Wednesday 20 July 2011

i fall in love with you.....
7/10 i went to sungai wang see you all... my mother even follow me go.... i go with yuyyu....hahahaha...
later saw xiao ting.... ^^ long time no see!!!
we prepare the astro bil coz wan to change their 5 people photo card....
before the program start... we saw them at the back stage.... they practise to sing their song " fly" ...haha
i even take one photo is Licus at back stage d...hahaha^^ like "bian tai gui"... :-p

the show start....
1st come out is Jie Ying... she sing " fall down"...hahaha... translate....
2nd is my most like--- Licus...he sing he "zhu da ge"... "love smile 's eyes"...
3th Miko... sorry about forgr=et wat she sing...
4th like you oso...Kim... sing "believe"....
5th Geraldine... "trouble"...

after sing tis... all of them sing"fly" again...^^
when they are talk to host... the host very playful.... she laugh Licus pronous not current...hahahah...
tat time very funny...33888....
the show finish....

we follow them go the place they eat.... they come out and take photo with us....
DAMP happy.... close distance with them.... take photo with them personality.... take signature....
after 5 of them finish been taking... we take again photo...take again signature... and oso shake hand....hahaha.... take Kim facebook.... talk with them.... hope the time will stop at tat time....
after all... all the fans has go back.... me and yuyu go buy things and come back to their eat place... we saw them from outside like a thief....

later ah kim was come out hear telephone.... he saw us and say hi with us.... Kim are very nice^^

later Licus and Kim come out with a worker... we think they go toilet... we want wait for them come out.... at tis important time.. my mother say want go back ady... we say wait a min, wait a min....hahaah..

later we saw them at a stall buying cloth... they choice very slow... my mother keep on say went back.... yuyu even want to take phone number from Kim...hahaha... impossible...
coz of they very slow.... yuyu say go infront them and juz say bye to them.... we scare... :-s
lastly we go infront them...

we say: Licus, Kim... bye bye... we went to back ady.... add oil...
Licus@Kim: har... ok... bye bye... :-)
i say: anyone of u two must get a champion arh... be my next day birthday present....xD hahaha... (DAMP happy conversation with them)
Licus: laugh laugh... :-)

Kim: har..? is it... ok.. then you want to pray about it ....^^
we say: en~ bye bye....^^
hahahahahaha....our conversation finish....
and we go back home~~ with "yi yi bu she" heart....

Sunday 3 July 2011


My lover ASQ...
Licus... I cant love u but i will support u....^^

I will free help u to promote....!!!
love you..!!!

bilik media...

today addd math class we go bilik media.

coz of last 2 period... we take bag go... everytime we go there will not put the shoes at rak shoes... today...

At media door...
pengawas media : pls put ur(include me, 010, yuyu) shoes at rak...
we take the shoes ready to put on rak...
after tat we saw the pengawas go inside we juz put he shoes at our bag there... then go inside....
we listen to teacher teach...(after 1 hour 45min)is time to go back home...^^

we go out from bilik media...
funny things come...
when we want to wear the shoes...
one of our shoes were disappear...
we cant find our shoes... we find and find and find.... cannot found....
hahahahahahaha..... i laugh sambil find....
laugh and laugh and laugh ... is too funny....
suddenly wew remember tat maybe is the pengawas are rampas our shoes...
then we go counter and ask....
i stand at beside the door and keep on laughing until my stomach pain...
realy....we one of the shoes were rampas by tat pengawas.... we want back our shoes... the pengawas say one shoes 50sen...
so we give her and get back the shoes....

date happened: 20/6