Wednesday 8 June 2011

3days 2 night Genting Highland trip with friend...


after they finish their dance... they say follow tat guys back... they realy follow tat guys... they walk infront of the guys... about 2 km... yuyu bro follow at back of we and tat guys suddenly called us... we look back.... the purpose of he called us is tell us see the guys... the things we see is... tat guys and one girl "pull" hand... hahaha.... we all SHOCK...hhahaha... tat moment we crazy... aspecially yuyu... hahhaa... 

when we go back hotel room, we busy to look photo and video....hahaha... after tis... all ppl were tired... sleep d sleep, bath d bath... i only take half min rest...coz i sleep at hard bed... yuyu, yan and qii went out and tell me.... (coz another ppl was sleeping) i wait about half min then i go to meet their 3 at STARBUCK... i sit 5 min then go shopping myself.... i go to SPEEDY see disc.... after tis go back  there meet them and buy a drinks... after this they say walk walk find guys.... coz of i dun have jie mu... so i follow them keyxiao... when the time we want back hotel.. yuy and qii found tat guys again... we three again follow them... LUCKLY... they have a dance again at indoor... we stand at infront the stage and yan take video again...
after finish the dance.. they say want wait them come out... so at near the ascalator ... finally they come out... we want to be not saw them so we go down the ascalator 1st.... when down the lobby... yuyu walk behind them.. me, qii and yan walk beside them which have a small wall ... when we want to walk to the way go lift... one of the patner saw us and quickly sit at the chair beside he.... 
at the same time we have a feel... they got little bit pround.... althought like tat ..they also like tat guys.... 

Today trips is almost like that finish.....

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